Frequently Asked Questions

Our products

A few years ago, the EU Health Claims Regulation came into effect, which prohibits manufacturers of dietary supplements from making health-related claims, with few exceptions. Therefore, we unfortunately cannot explicitly discuss the numerous positive properties of the individual products and their ingredients. We strongly advise you to inform yourself about the products and the effects of the processed ingredients on reputable and independent websites. Other professionals, such as doctors, are not subject to this regulation and can therefore usually provide you with more in-depth advice.

Our products are developed by a qualified team of nutritionists and their composition and dosage always comply with the latest scientific findings. Care is also taken to meet the needs and quality requirements of our customers.

Our products are manufactured exclusively in Germany in a highly specialised production facility. Production is HACCP-certified and fulfils the latest technical standards.

Our products generally have a shelf life of between 1.5 and 2 years. During this time, you should just make sure that they are stored in a dry, cool place and protected from light. Of course, we also considered using glass jars, but ultimately decided against them due to the increased energy consumption and the associated increase in emissions during production and transport. The increased risk of breakage also led to this decision.

Our products are filled in BPA-free PET cans and do not come into contact with aluminium. After use, they can be easily recycled by disposing of them in the Yellow Bag.


This is a natural raw material from which the plant-based capsule shells that we use to encapsulate our products are made. Cellulose is usually obtained from wood.

Our aim is to obtain all our products as naturally as possible and to avoid additives. We can guarantee this for almost all products without any problems. However, there are a few exceptions, such as our vitamin D3 + K2 tablets, where a carrier is necessary to stabilise the tablets in their typical form. Here we prefer to use excipients from natural sources.

As nature and animal welfare are important to us, our entire product line is vegan. This applies to both the ingredients and the capsule shells. You will therefore look in vain for animal ingredients in our products.

Product safety

The safety of our products and your satisfaction are our top priority. In order to guarantee this, we have all our raw materials and products analysed and tested by independent laboratories based in Germany. This enables us to prove that our products do not contain any undesirable or health-critical substances.

Many customers use our products to compensate for a nutrient deficiency. In addition, there are some nutrients that cannot be fully absorbed by the body despite good bioavailability, which is why a higher dosage makes sense. We work closely with experts in nutritional science and have all dosage recommendations checked by several independent bodies. This ensures that our food supplements are safe and harmless to take, even if the dosage appears high at first glance.

Our products are food supplements and not medicines. This means that our products contain nutrients that also occur naturally in certain foods and that you consume in part through your daily diet. It is therefore generally possible to take several products at the same time. However, it may make sense not to take all the capsules at the same time of day and we advise you to adhere to the recommended dosage. Please also discuss the intake of your dietary supplements with your doctor. They can make recommendations tailored to your individual needs.

All our products are suitable for long-term use. If you want to compensate for a specific deficiency with our products, we advise you to do so in consultation with your doctor, who will also regularly analyse your vital and blood values.


Pregnant and breastfeeding women naturally have significantly higher requirements for some nutrients compared to the average adult. Food supplements can help to fulfil the increased nutrient requirements. However, they should only be taken after consulting a doctor. Only a doctor knows your individual situation, your blood values and what other medication and supplements you are already taking. If the doctor agrees to the intake, our products can also be used without hesitation during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Absolutely yes! We make sure that our products are as natural as possible and suitable for as many diets as possible. This applies to both the ingredients and the capsule shells. Unlike some other manufacturers, we only use capsule shells made from purely plant-based materials for our products. We do not use gelatine or other animal ingredients at all.

Our products are produced in compliance with the highest hygiene standards so that contamination during production can be ruled out. You can therefore take our products without hesitation even if you are intolerant to gluten or lactose.

Our recommended daily intake is based on the requirements of an average, healthy adult. Due to their lower body weight and depending on their respective developmental status, children’s requirements may differ significantly from those of an adult. We therefore recommend that you consult a doctor about this. If the doctor agrees to the intake, if necessary in an adjusted dosage, then our products can also be used for children without hesitation. We would like to point out that food supplements should be kept out of the reach of children.